Sign with our DocuSign integration

Connect Tomorro with your DocuSign account and sign directly from the platform.

Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

In order to sign your contracts faster and provide you with a fast and secure e-signature experience, we have designed an integration with DocuSign, the leading e-signature solution in the industry.

Generate, send, negotiate, sign and track your contracts from a single platform, your Tomorro space. No more back and forth!

The Docusign integration is available in PRO and ENTERPRISE plans.

What are the advantages of launching the DocuSign signature directly from Tomorro?

  • Simple and efficient tracking: Follow the progress of the signature directly from Tomorro.

  • Save time: No need to launch the signature in DocuSign and then manually store the contract in Tomorro, once it is signed: the contract will be automatically stored in your contract library.

  • Security and Accuracy: Tomorro retrieves the PDF of the signed contract, adds it to your project, and also brings up the date of signature for inclusion in your contract summary sheet.

💡 This article is about launching signing via DocuSign for contracts created from a template or for external documents you imported into the Tomorro text editor.

If you want to know how to launch DocuSign signing from an external document, without going through the editor, we explain everything here :

🚀 Create the document in Tomorro

It all starts, of course, with creating your contract.

First, create a project in Tomorro and start from one of your organization's contract templates.

To learn more, everything is explained here: Create a contract from a template.

Or start by importing an external document into the editor.

✍️ Start the signing process with DocuSign

Once the contract has been created, negotiated and is ready to be signed, you can start the signing process.

To do so, click on "Send or Sign" at the top of the page.

Choose the "Request signature" option here.

💡If the option to pass the contract into signature is grayed out, it means that there are still suggestions to be processed (to be accepted/rejected), you cannot start the signature if all suggestions have not been resolved.

If there was no approval process or if you have obtained the necessary approval, you can then add the signatories to the contract, both internal and external.

  • For the internal signatory(ies), you can choose from the suggested members of your organization;

  • For the co-contractor signatory(ies), you can either choose from the suggestions offered by Tomorro, or if the signatory is not suggested, you can indicate their email and click on "Use email address" to validate the addition of their address (see below)

📁 Add attachments or files to the signature envelope

If you want to add attachments or files to the signature envelope, you can do so directly from Tomorro.

Simply click on "Add Files" after indicating the signatories :

👉 More details in this article: add attachments or enclosures to the DocuSign signature envelope, from Tomorro.

Finally, click "Send for Signature", you will then be redirected to DocuSign to set the signature fields and send the signature envelope to the signers.

✋ Dès lors que la création d'enveloppe est confirmée sur Tomorro, votre compte DocuSign sera débité d'une enveloppe de manière irréversible.

You can then follow the progress of the signature directly from your contract in Tomorro. Simple and efficient, the progress is automatically updated!

❌ Cancel Signature Process

Have you started the signing process with DocuSign and need to cancel it for some reason?

From the project, click on "Actions" at the top right and "Cancel signing process".

Add a note to the signatories if necessary and confirm the cancellation.

You can restart the signature process (see the steps described above) at any time.

💡 If there is an approval procedure before signing

If the document signature here is conditioned by a procedure and needs to be approved before being launched, this will appear once you click on "Go to signature".

👉 Click on "Request Approval" to get the approval from the approver. Once the contract is approved, you will be notified by email and can then indicate your signatories and launch the signing for good.

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